Solar Moonshot Program Grantee

Ypsilanti Seventh-Day Adventist Church
"As Christians we believe that God has called us to be stewards of everything that He has blessed us with. Some may think that being a good steward is only about managing finances, but the breadth of stewardship God has called for everyone who believes in Him will impact all areas of life; protection and care of the global environment being one of the major tenets. Genesis 1:26 reveals that part of God's original plan for mankind is the management and care of the entire earth. Through faith we believe that being concerned about our environment is just as important today as when God first explained this purpose to mankind. As a church and a global citizen we are excited that we can be an example in our local community (Ypsilanti, MI) of what environmental stewardship looks like as active participants in the effort to reduce global dependency on greenhouse gases."
-Michael Martin, Head Deacon
Ypsilanti Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Environmental Benefit Equivalencies (25 Years)
Icon of power plant burning coal


Pounds of Coal Burned
Home energy icon


Homes' Electricity Use for 1 Year
Acres of forest icon


Acres of U.S. Forest CO2 Sequestration for 1 Year